National Issues

I receive a large amount of correspondence from constituents referring to particular national issues of the moment and campaigns. I try to respond to everyone who contacts me so if you have sent something to me on a campaign or popular issue please do expect to receive a response, in due course. I thought it might be also useful if I posted my comments on some current and recent issues here.

Badger Cull – this long running issue is one that constituents continue to contact me about, now concerned that the government will roll out a national programme of culls without properly considering evidence from the trials (31/03/14).

Beer Duty – constituents were calling for me to support the reduction of this in the 2014 Budget (24/03/14).

Care & Human Rights – constituents contacted me concerned that everyone who receives care services should have equal protection under human rights law, regardless of how they pay for their care (17/02/14).

Clause 119 of the Care Bill – constituents have been concerned that this clause would allow the fast-track closure or privatisation of local hospitals and other health services (28/03/14).

GCHQ – in light of recent whistle-blowing on the activities of our security services, constituents have contacted me concerned that there is not enough oversight of what these organisations do (19/03/14).

The Hunting Act – I have been contacted by a large number constituents asking me to reaffirm my commitment to maintaining the Act as it is (27/03/14).

Live Animal Exports – many constituents have contacted me over the years, and continue to contact me, concerned for the welfare of livestock exported to Europe on long lorry journeys (24/02/14).

Lobbying Act – throughout the passage of this law, I have at intervals been contacted by large numbers of concerned constituents, mainly as a result of prompting by organisations such as 38 Degrees (13/02/14).

Teachersas there continues to be a dispute between teachers’ unions and the government over pay, pensions and conditions, I am regularly contacted by constituents, some teachers themselves, on this matter (03/02/14).

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – constituents have been concerned that this will not bring the benefits it promises, indeed they are worried that it will have detrimental effects on national services, such as the NHS (24/03/14).